One of the ways we are formed to become more like Jesus is through spiritual practices. These practices are intentional and tangible ways of “placing ourselves before God so He can transform us” (Foster). They are commitments that require discipline, but result in freedom. We engage in practices in a way that realigns us with Him and reconciles us with the people we were created to be.

For millenia, there are common practices that have formed our ancestors in the faith, and it is wise for us to consider these as a integral part of our walk with Jesus. This includes things like prayer, scripture, sabbath, silence & solitude, fasting, generosity, community, simplicity, and witness.

“By adopting not just the teaching but the practices from Jesus’ own life, we open up our entire being to God and allow him to transform us into people of love” (Practicing the Way)

Practicing spiritual disciplines won’t save us and cannot manufacture growth in us. Just as a gardener is tasked with cultivating growth but is incapable of actually making things grow, so we are incapable of transforming our own lives. But, engaging in these practices cares for the soil of our lives so that the Lord can do the work in us.