When Jesus walked the earth, He did so to realign reality. He didn’t just cure what was broken spiritually, He embodied what it looks like to be a whole human in a fragmented world. To follow Jesus is to re-learn how to truly be human. Discipleship to Jesus isn’t learning to obey a set of rules, it’s practicing a way of life that leads to wholeness.
The call on the life of the believer is to be and make disciples who become the church. Our aim is not to create churches and hope disciples are made, but to make disciples and invite them to become the church by being united together.
this IS the foundation of what it MEANS to be a committed church body — to be disciples who follow Jesus together, and to make many more.
A part of a life of discipleship to Jesus is spiritual friendship with one another. Spiritual friendship means walking alongside another person as you grow and follow Jesus, together. They will be committed to depth, vulnerability, and transformation, with the goal of each person becoming more like Jesus.